Comparatives and superlatives -Online Games

Here are links to some fun games to practice your comparatives and superlatives. I’ve ordered them broadly by difficulty, the first being very simple.

Sent monkey-pic

British council 1British council 2 pic    (this page has two games)

woodward pic

penalty pic




Verb Practice – Crossword & Spiral puzzle

Elementary verb work through a simple crossword and a spiral puzzle. It’s aimed at helping students learn and practice verbs and their meanings.

It’s targeted at kids between Primary yr6 and ESO 1 with a mix of easy and new verbs.

To encourage independent learning and visual recognition of words, Students should use a bilingual dictionary although some may need support using it.

VerbPrac xwrd1-picVerb Prac-Spiral-pic



Fun online game to practice the 3rd person- present simple

This game is on the OUP website and is aimed at ESO1 students but its fun for primary students too. The main difficulty for primary students is that you need to type very fast.

OUP 3r person game